
Year 1

Miss Warn

Class Teacher, Key Stage One Lead, SENCo

Mrs Robins


Miss R Searle

1:1 Teaching Assistant

Mrs B Read

1:1 Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Porthpean Class!
Miss Warn (Teacher - Mon & Tues)
Mrs Robins (Teacher - Wed, Thurs & Fri)
Miss Hyett (Teaching assistant)
Miss Searle (Teaching assistant)
Mrs Read (Teaching assistant)
We hope you are all looking forward to a fun and productive year where your children develop as happy and independent learners.

The children will start their day at 8.30am (when doors open - 8:45am) and end their day at 3:15pm (collection is from 3:15-3:30pm) so please ensure they are dropped off and collected at these times. Thank you for your support in this already.

Useful Information:
In Year One there will be more structured whole class sessions than in Reception but we will still be learning through play and supporting the children's needs in this way.
Snack Time:
Free fruit will still be given daily although you are welcome to send your child with their own healthy snack if you would prefer.
We are passionate about reading at Treverbyn. The children learn the important skills needed to read when they are in school, but becoming a reader takes a lot of practise. Please support your child's development as a reader by listening to them read at least 4 times a week. Please write in their reading diaries when they have read at home. The children will need to bring their reading books and diaries into school daily so their school reading can be recorded.
  • We collect reading records in on a Friday where they are checked.
  • 4x reads (on separate nights) results in a well-done ticket and a special reading certificate.  
In Year 1, we will be really focusing on letter formation ensuring that children start and end their letters in the correct place. Please support your child with this at home. 
Our P.E days are Monday and Thursday.
Please send your child to school in their school P.E kit on this day. You may want to also pack them a jumper to wear in the colder months. It is important that all P.E clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name, including trainers/plimsolls.
Please also ensure that water bottles, packed lunch boxes, coats and school uniform are also clearly labelled. 
Phonics Screening Check - 2024 

What is the phonics screening check?

The government introduced an annual phonics screening check in 2012. This check informs our continual assessment of the children’s phonic knowledge and the results of this will be shared with parents/carers in the end of year report. It comprises of a list of 40 words that children read one-to-one with a teacher. The list is a combination of both real and ‘nonsense’ or ‘alien’ words which rely purely on using phonics to decode. The phonics screening check will take place on a one to one basis but the children will largely be unaware of it being a test and have already participated in some practice ones.

What are nonsense words?

Your child will be told during the check which words are nonsense words (that he/she will not have seen before). Your child will be familiar with this because we already use ‘alien-words’ when teaching phonics in school. Alien-words are important to include because words such as ‘vap’ or ‘jound’ are new to all children. Children cannot read the nonsense words by using their memory or vocabulary; they have to use their decoding skills. This is a fair way to assess their ability to decode.

Now that we are in our second term of Year One, children will be having weekly spellings.

These are taken from the common exception and high frequency words for Y1 which are a list of words they need to spell.

Each week, your child will bring home a list of 5 spelling words (shown on the list below).

They will need to practice at home (you can write this in their reading record as one of their 4x reads!!!) and will have a little test on a Friday. We will let you know how they get on!

Could you live in a lighthouse?
This term, Year One will be learning about lighthouses and the sea.  We will be learning about The lighthouse keeper's lunch, keeping healthy as well as Grace Darling and what she did. 

Treverbyn Academy
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