
Year 6

Miss Sinclair

Class Teacher

Mrs Prowse

Teaching Assistant

Miss Lofthouse

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 6!


Our classroom door  opens at 8:30 every morning and close it at 8:45, when we will register the children. All children are expected to arrive within these times, organise their belongings and begin their morning task. At the end of the day, we will dismiss the children at 3:15. 

P.E. is on a Tuesday and Wednesday, children are asked to come into school in their P'E kits on these days   (white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers


Home work 

As part of their progression to secondary school,  completing homework, managing their own time and becoming an independent learner are all vital skills we will work with the children to develop throughout the year. Our homework will cover a range of curriculum areas:

Spellings - weekly practice  - in spelling books or  spelling shed.

Reading - At least 4 recorded reads a week. 

Maths - Activities set on LbQ or google classroom

SPAG - Activities set on LbQ or google classroom 

 Pupils can access all the online learning through the links bellow or by logging into their wonde account on the main page of the school website.

Any questions please speak to the Year 6 team. 



Treverbyn Academy
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