



The attached Teaching and Learning Principles explain in detail our Phonics teaching at Treverbyn as well as Skills Progression through KS1.

Have a look at the videos and resources below which introduce you to Read Write Inc.
Have a look at the video to see how each sound is pronounced.
Read Write Inc is taught in 3 sets across EYFS and Year 1.
 Phonics Resources | St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Warndon
Words are split into red and green words. Red words being tricky and not decodable. Green words being easily segmented and blended.
Byron Primary School - Phonics
The national Phonics Screening Check is performed in June of Year 1. The purpose of the screening check is to confirm that all children have learned phonic decoding to an age-appropriate standard. The children who did not meet the required standard for the check in year 1 enter again in Year 2 with additional support.

Treverbyn Academy
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